Vitória Amazônica Foundation is one of the institutions that collaborates with the management of the Lower Rio Negro Mosaic, which brings together 11 Protected Areas (Conservation Units) located between the municipalities of Manaus, Novo Airão, Iranduba, Barcelos and Manacapuru.
Recognized by the Federal government in 2010 with the objective of implementing the governance of this set of protected areas and promoting the valorization of services, products and knowledge of the region, the Mosaic comprises an area of 7.5 million hectares, where 1.8 millions of people live in the capital Manaus and another 80 riverine communities and indigenous people live and depend on. This population lives mainly from traditional agriculture and forestry, but also seeks to get involved in larger economic development activities.
Anavilhanas National Park
Jaú National Park
Rio Unini Extractive Reserve
Rio Negro State Park – Southern Sector
Rio Negro State Park – Northern Sector
Right Bank of the Rio Negro Sector Puduari-Solimões
Left Bank of the Rio Negro Sector Aturiá-Apuauzinho
Left Bank of the Left Bank Rio Negro sector Tarumã-Açu-Tarumã-Mirim
Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve
Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve
Tupé Sustainable Development Reserve