Vitória Amazônica Foundation developed several pioneering projects Amazonas, such as the first campaign to protect the Sauim-de-Coleira (Saguinus bicolor), between 1991 and 1992, which mobilized society in the struggle to preserve this native species of Manaus. With the expressiveness of the project, FVA participated in the creation of the Parque Municipal do Mindú, one of the first protected areas in the region.
Amongst FVA’s greatest contributions is its support for the creation and implementation of several Protected Areas, the development of strategic plans for the conservation of biodiversity in the Negro River, the improvement of scientific knowledge about the Amazon, the strengthening of instances of community participation in territorial management, and the generation of additional income opportunities through the valorization of socio-biodiversity products, the development of methodologies and educational content customized for the regional context, the monitoring of the use of natural resources, the support for urban planning in the Manaus Metropolitan Area and etc.
- Development of management plans for the Jaú National Park, Rio Negro Setor Norte State Park, Rio Unini Extractive Reserve and Serra do Aracá State Park;
- Development of participatory methods for mapping the use of natural resources, integrating the traditional knowledge of riverside populations with modern techniques of geographic information systems;
- Development of scientific research on fauna and flora species that are being used by riverside populations, with emphasis on plant fibers and documentation of the rich biodiversity of the Negro River basin;
- Strengthening grassroots community organizations, such as the Novo Airão Artisans Association (AANA), the Rio Unini Residents Association (AMORU) and the Rio Unini Mixed Agroextractive Cooperative, amongst others;
- Support for the “AJURI de Novo Airão” project, a movement created to promote social protagonism in the implementation of activities related to the municipality’s calendar of events, such as the Mini Eco Festival of Peixe-Boi, World Beach Cleanup Day and the Environment Week;
- Support for the creation and participation in the management of the Mosaic of Protected Areas of the Lower Rio Negro;
- Creation of the Manaus Metropolitan Area Observatory;
- Development of innovative content and methodology aimed at Manaus’ public schools and Education Department.