The Rio Unini basin, which encompasses approximately 2.6 million hectares and three Protected Areas (Jaú National Park, Rio Unini Extractive Reserve and RDS Amanã), is one of the FVA’s areas of activity in Amazonas. Searching for strategies to guarantee at the same time the integrity of the livelihoods of traditional populations and the conservation of the region’s biodiversity, FVA created 2008 the Natural Resources-use Monitoring System (SiMUR) in Unini river.

In practice, SiMUR’s strategies were developed in order to support participatory management processes of the natural resources-use at Unini river. Through specific analyzes, FVA together with community leaders and public managers, develop recommendations for the rational use of resources (in the case of resources under pressure of exploitation) or intensification of the use of resources (in the case of underutilized resources with potential for exploitation) at Unini’s sustainable use conservation units (Extractive Reserve and Sustainable Development Reserve).

At Jaú National Park, SiMUR supports the development of mediation instruments between managers and resident families, such as Commitment Terms or as proposals for the redefinition of PAs limits aimed at reducing conflicts, optimizing management processes and reducing public costs.

SiMUR was implemented in 2008 thanks to the financial support of the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation (2008-2018) and the Ecological Corridors Project (2008-2009). It also had the support of IPÊ (208-2019), United States Forest Service/USAID (2020-2021) and BNDES/Amazon Fund/LIRA Project (2020-2023).

Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio)

State Center for Protected Areas (CEUC)

Association of Residents of Rio Unini (AMORU)

Rio Unini Mixed Agroextractive Cooperative (COOMARU)