We understand that Amazonian communities and their traditional knowledge are primarily responsible for maintaining the standing forest and should be valued in any regional process of socioeconomic development.

With this in mind, FVA created the “Conservation for People” program, with the objective of leveraging the opportunities offered by the conservation of biodiversity, ensuring concrete economic and social benefits for Amazonian populations.

Currently, we work to strengthen and enhance the value chains of handicrafts and natural fibers, non-timber forest products, artisanal fishing, traditional agriculture and Protected Area based tourism.

One of the program’s strategies is the Rio Negro Market, which works in partnership with associations and cooperatives providing managerial support services, technical production and marketing assistance and promotes the sales of products from the Amazon. For more information and sales of products contact mercadorionegro@fva.org.br.

Fundo Vale  

Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation

United States Forrest Service

Mixed Agroextractivist Cooperative Sardinha (COOPMAS)

Chestnut Producers and Beneficiaries Association of the municipality of Amaturá (APROCAM)

Green Cooperative of Manicoré (COVEMA)

Agricultural Association of Beruri (ASSOAB)

Rio Unini Mixed Agroextractive Cooperative (COOMARU)

Operação Amazônia Nativa (OPAN)

Instituto Internacional de Edcucação do Brasil (IIEB)

Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF)

Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio)

State Center for Conservation Units (CEUC)