Launched in June 2015, FVA Space is located in Novo Airão, 190 kilometers away from Manaus by car (100km away by boat), the starting point of FVA’s expeditions in Rio Negro with our institutional boat Uapé-Açu. The Space is a center for social and environmental experiences that support initiatives of Rio Negro communities. In addition, Space FVA serves the population of Novo Airão, FVA partners and other audiences’ beneficiaries of FVA’s projects.
On a 5,000-square-meter plot donated by Novo Airão’s City Hall in the 1990s, there are two main buildings with accommodations, a room for lectures and courses, art exhibitions, photography, film shows, among other activities. This infrastructure were made possible with the support of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (USA) and Fundo Vale (Brazil).
On the banks of the Rio Negro, the municipality of Novo Airão has 17,671 inhabitants and about 85% of its territory is made of protected areas, which include the Anavilhanas National Park, Jaú National Park, Rio Negro State Park – Northern Sector, APA Right Bank of Solimões-Padauari Sector, Left Bank Sector Aturiá-Apuauzinho and Waimiri-Atroari Indigenous Land.
> Address
Rua Puduari, s/n, Quadra 253, Santo Elias (rua da garagem da Prefeitura/Pinheirais)
> Working hours
8am to 5pm